OLAB FAST LOCK connectors from the 39000 series, allow a safe connection for thin gauge hoses/pipes while guaranteeing the machinery’s pressure seal. Thanks to the innovative connection system they also help to avoid any pipes’ welding Operating principles: a stainless steel reinforcing bush, with a AST patent on its external surface, will be insert inside the hose’s/pipe’s gauge that needs to be connected on the hose’s external diameter will be place in order: nut, ogives and sealing O-ring, fi nally the hose will be inserted to the stop in the chosen place on the junction’s body. Tightening the nut at the right pair for every hose match, the ogives will move until it places itself at the end of the junction’s body while pushing the o-ring in the seal location. Once a battuta, under the eff ect of the nut’s tightening, the ogives will distort itself incising the external diameter with its extremity in correspondence of the AST patent, then it will deform the hose until fi nally lean againist the patent’s diameter. Therefore, the o-ring pledges the pressure seal of the connection, the ogives together with the AST patent of the reinforcing bush allow the holding of the hose inside the connection body.
The solenoid valves of 38000 series are designed to be installed on refrigeration and air-conditioning systems using refrigerants of group II (art.9, par. 2.2 of Directive 97/23/EC with reference to directive 67/548/EEC). Group II include all refrigerants classifi ed as A1 in annex E of EN 378-1:2008 standard. These fi ttings are used with ductile metal thin pipes such as copper ( R220-R250-R290) or aluminum, with outer surface not coated.
- Straight body made of brass TN-UNI EN12164-CW614N, below body and “tee” body made of hot forged brass ST-UNI EN 12165-cw617n
- Sealing O-Ring made of HNBR ( temperature -40°C÷+150°C)
- Brass ogive TN-UNI EN12164-CW614N
- Hot forged brass nut ST-UNI EN12165-CW617N