The central test paper of 32000 indicators permits a sure and quick control of humidity level and the control of physical state of refrigerant fluid.
The liquid and humidity indicators are designed to be installed on refrigeration and air-conditioning systems for domestic and industrial use. It’s possible to use them with all the refrigerant fluids of group II (Art.9, point 2.2 of Directive 97/23/CE, with reference to Directive 67/548/CEE) and they are defined as “pressure Equipments”, as described in Directive 97/23/CE, Art.1, point 2.1.4, and Art.3, point 1.3. Group II includes all refrigerants classified as A1 in annex E of EN 378-1:2008 standard.
- Brass body ST-UNI EN12165-CW617N
- Inspection glass
- Sealing gaskets made of PTFE
- Sealing O-Ring OLABLOCK connection made of HNBR
- Guard washer with OLABLOCK O-Ring made of TN-UNI EN12164-CW614N
- Brass BCL ring for OLABLOCK TN-UNI EN12164-CW614N
- Brass OLABLOCK nut ST-UNI EN12165-CW617N
- OLABLOCK adapter with ODF pocket made of brass TN-UNI EN12164-CW614N
- Little disk indicator about moisture content